Death by stupidity. (And again by a game bug)
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Places of note
- 68, 66 Planet 1- Ruin at 12Nx32E with Shimmering Orb, random ruin with Pythagoras Constellation Coordinates and Endurium. (See Important Notice Below)
- 86, 80 Planet 1 - Colonizable! 35000 Mu
- 91, 86 Planet 4 - Colonizable! 35000 Mu
- 104, 71 Planet 1 - Colonizable! 35000 Mu 118,146, Planet 4 - Ruin at 16Sx20W w/ Intelligence Communication, Dodecahedron. Colonizable! 40000 Mu
- 123, 101, Planet 2 - 17Nx162E - Old empire message
- 145,107, Planet 4 - Heaven. Lots of minable materials, as well as ruins and Endurium. Colonizable! 50000 Mu
- 175, 94 - Derelict ship
- 175, 94 Planet 1 - Ruin at 22Nx97W (with Smelenuf's message). Colonizable! 35000 Mu
- 216,87 - Pythagoras Constellation
- 238,189 Planet 3 - Black Egg at 52Nx16E
NOTICE!: Due to a bug, the minerals on this planet have no name and display a very high value. However, you must not, under any circumstances, pick them up and take them back to your ship; this will freeze the game and render your save file unusable! Gathering bio-data, life forms and Endurium is OK, but do not get any minerals here!
- 98, 79 - 69, 66
- 104, 82 - 118, 107
- 123, 127 - 128, 143
- 126, 87 - 173, 88
- 128, 105 - 146, 112
- 148, 166 - 170, 193
- Shimmering Orb - A cloaking device! Makes it much more difficult for enemy missiles to target you. Very handy.
- Dodecahedron - A beacon. Makes encounters much more frequent. Handy when you want to parley with some races (Veloxi, Elowan and Spemin in particular), but you may want to ditch it when you head into Uhlek/Gazurtoid territory
- Heaven is a fantastic place to mine resources; it's easy to get to, safe to explore, minerals and ruins are plentiful in its high-elevation areas and you can easily make upwards of 50,000 Mu per trip with 16 cargo pods. As soon as you can make the journey and answer the Mechans' questions, do it!
A very lucrative Heaven run netted me almost 70,000 Mu (not counting Endurium I found)
Random Messages
- 68,66, Planet 1 - "The only thing decipherable in some alien writings are planetary coordinates 12N x 32E."
- 68,66, Planet 1 - "Amidst piles of alien books some writing from the old empire - ...The Pythagoras Constellation at 216, 87..."