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Etrian Odyssey HD Part 1

A fine callback to '80s dungeon crawlers with a few QoL upgrades from the original DS release.


Free Game Friday 7/19/24: Street Fighter One

1987's Street Fighter was a pretty well-received game in its time, even getting ports to numerous home computers and even the Turbografx-CD, but is generally ridiculed nowadays for its stiff controls, choppy action and absolutely horrendous balance.  Even Capcom barely acknowledges it these days, other than including it on a token digital compilation or the odd reference in in-game lore.  Still, the game does retain a small following; enough of one to get a full remake in the MUGEN engine.  Street Fighter One adds numerous improvements from later entries - smoother gameplay, combos, super moves and, of course, being able to play as more characters than just Ken and Ryu.  They even added in a bonus character in the form of Cody from Final Fight.  So if you want to see a largely-abandoned first entry in a legendary series get a new lease on life, it's one to give a try.


Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille Zur Macht Part 1

The Best Xeno. Hey Bandai Namco how about you stop sucking Miyazaki's flaccid dick for a while and get us an HD collection.  Least you could do after running this series into the ground like you did...


Mega Man 3 Improvement

A playthrough of the ROM Hack titled "Mega Man 3 Improvement" which fixes a lot of bugs, reimplements some unused graphics and even adds an entirely new intro - something conspicuously absent in this game but present in every Mega Man besides the first!