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To my latest tiresome troll

Here is my no-effort response to your no-effort trolling.  You get zero special attention, just a link to this; the same as every other useless, personality-deficient loser you're proudly exactly like. It took me one second to send you this and one more to block you, and that's all of my time you're ever going to get.  Do you think that's 'unfair' or that I'm a 'coward' or I'm somehow 'treading on' your precious, inalienable freedom of speech by exercising my own? Complain to somebody who gives a shit, then; I certainly don't.

If you want to consider this a 'victory' for your ego or whatever 'cause' you believe you're furthering by harassing strangers on the internet based on whatever flimsy pretenses you find/invent/have fed to you by your handlers, then by all means, go right ahead.  Savor your pretend victory for as long as you like.  If this bullshit I won't even remember an hour from now is really the highlight of your day, go ahead and save a screenshot.  Print it, frame it and hang it on your wall as a trophy you can cherish for the rest of your life.  'Accomplishments' like this will surely be the highlights of your mediocre secondhand life; the golden moments you talk about for years and years afterward and continue to look back on with pride as you lie on your deathbed, surrounded by none of the family you've estranged yourself from or any of your sociopath 'friends' on 8Chan, Reddit, YouTube, Kiwi Farms, Truth Social and similar trash sites who just use gullible turds like you as their expendable pawns in whatever culture war du jour they fancy themselves a five-star general in.  They won't ever mention you again or even remember your name anymore ten minutes after you're gone, so it's not like you're even earning any kind of respect or prestige by being a disgusting scumbag on their behalf.  To them, just like to everyone else, you're a cautionary tale - just another piece of Cluster B garbage whose empty head and insatiable craving for mindless validation got them nowhere in life.  Well, except employment blacklists, social outcasting, crippling poverty and eventually a pauper's grave nobody will glance at twice before you're forgotten forever.  Congratulations on being the lowest form of easy mark - someone who sells their soul to a grifter for nothing of value, then smugly boasts about how they came out ahead on the deal to try and save face; too bad the only person you've ever fooled with that act is yourself.

Goodbye now, and good riddance.  Be sure to tell all of your sockpuppets and sycophants about me so I can block them and promptly forget they exist too.