The last five floors of the dungeon are ungodly tedious exercises in trial and error and fighting horrifically spongey enemies that are only vulnerable to one element so I've decided to spare you from it and just show you the bosses.
There's also three postgame dragons to fight, all of which are extremely dangerous and will wipe the floor with you if you're not prepared. Drake is the ice dragon and the easiest of the three; he mostly just uses ice breath and buffs, which can both be countered pretty easily.
(Skip ahead to 23:52 if you just want to see the fight)
Wyrm is the fire-themed dragon who can one-shot you with their breath attack. They can also debuff and confuse your whole party so you're left completely vulnerable to a fire nuke, so that's fun. This fight's just as much luck as it is strategy; I had to redo it three or four times. At least they're easy to get to.
And finally there's Dragon, the lightning-themed beastie who is the toughest of the three. That said, if you take care not to bind its head it's not too bad - they'll mostly just spam Voltage and erase your party's buffs. Bind the head and he'll start using a nasty high-damage physical attack that also heals and buff their own defense to enormous levels. So... just don't bind the Dragon's head!
And then there's this absolute fucking nightmare of a superboss, Primevil. Let's just say the name is apt; if you don't play by this guy's rules you're just straight-up dead. And even if you do, they have a 90% instant kill move that hits everyone in the party, another move that has a 90% chance to fully bind everybody, and they just go apeshit if you use a party buff more than once. If you don't know how to manipulate the AI to your advantage it's hell. What you'd expect from an Atlus-developed RPG really.
And here's me doing Primevil on Expert difficulty for the last cheevo. (You don't have to go through the whole game on that setting, just flip it on and kill the boss)
But if that's still not quite enough fun for you, completely filling out the Monster and Item lists at the Radha Hall (which means quite a lot of random drop farming from enemies, FOEs and bosses alike) gets you a bonus in the form of the Town Crown - an accessory which grants +100 HP, +50 TP, +15 to all stats and a 10% gain to your Boost gauge gains. You can even import it to Etrian Odyssey II via a password or an imported savegame, though it gets a pretty big nerf in the transition (+15 HP/TP and +2 to all stats). Still, handy to have early on.