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Let's Play Fountain of Dreams, Part 4 (Finale)

Wherein we infiltrate the Klown Kollege via savescumming, survive the Klown Kollege via savescumming, survive the trip back via savescumming, and then set off to finish this miserable asshole of a game once and for all by - you guessed it - savescumming.

Let's Play Fountain of Dreams, Part 3

We wrap up the last of our business at the Desoto Compound, resolve the OhOh/Beachcomber feud, and encounter a game-crashing bug that seems to be entirely the fault of DOSBox.  Thankfully it's not a necessity to complete the game, but it is very annoying.

Let's Play Fountain of Dreams, Part 2

Fun at the Desoto compound. Also, we start mutating. Also, it's really freakin' annoying.


Let's Play Fountain of Dreams, Part 1

The United States has been blasted to smithereens and all that remains of it is one tiny chunk of Florida that's roughly half a mile across and plagued by feuding tribes, rampant genetic mutations and murderous clowns.  What's a guy to do?

Sorry about the text speed.  I've done a bit of tweaking to DOSBox's options and it should run at a more reasonable speed next time.


Let's Play Fountain of Dreams, Part 0 (Installation)

The installation process, because I feel nostalgic.

Well, I suppose I can give a little back-story on the game too.  This was EA's "spiritual sequel" to Interplay's Wasteland that utilized a very similar engine, but had none of the original staff working on it.  In true EA fashion the game was heavily and extensively rushed, and the end result is a very short game with a sparse plot and a lot of cut content.  Still, I enjoy it as something of a guilty pleasure and it's a pretty obscure title to boot, so let's give it a play.


Let's Play Mega Man Legends, Part 4

We do a few sidequests, get some excellent buster parts and then it's off to the long-inaccessible Clozer Gate.

Let's Play Mega Man Legends, Part 6 (Finale)

We wrap up one last side quest and then we get to the bottom of the Main Gate and uncover the mystery behind Kattelox Island.

Also, plenty of sequel-baiting. What else would you expect from a Capcom game?


Let's Play Mega Man Legends, Part 5

We pay a visit to the main gate and then spend the rest of the running time wrapping up most of the various side-quests in the game.

Next time: The finale!


Let's Play One-Shots: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES)

The original TMNT game, both revered and reviled in about equal measure. I played this one quite a bit as a kid but never actually managed to complete it without a Game Genie, so yesterday I decided to sit down and change that. After about ten attempts (nearly all of which ended in defeat in the final stage), I finally did it. So here's my successful run and all the various strategies I employed in it.


Let's Play Mega Man Legends, Part 3

In which we fix a boat and fight against less-than-stellar controls for victory in roller skating events.